150417- First Visit: Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih

During last Saturday which is on the 15th of April 2017, SPIRIT successfully visited Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih (RALK). There were seven cars altogether to fit in all 35 students. So, the seven of us who have our own cars picked up the rest at 7 o'clock in the morning at our respective residential colleges and gathered at UM Central around 7.45 a.m. After making sure that everyone has gathered, we made a move to the destination.

As mentioned earlier in the introductory visit to RALK post, the accommodations for the boys and girls are separated. Hence, our activities were also conducted separately. The girls were stationed in the main compound while the boys were tasked at the stables. The first part of this post would be the narration of the girls' activities followed by the boys'.

The programme started off with an ice-breaking session where the children were divided into 5 groups. Apart from the activity bureau who was in charge to ensure the itineraries flow smoothly, the others became facilitators for each group. So, there were roughly 2-3 of us in each of them. The first session, 'get-to-know-me', required the students to sit in a circle and ask questions about one another upon passing the raffia rope provided and tying it to their fingers. Little did they know there was going to be a test on the strength of the rope when everyone was finished! The activity bureau placed a block of A4 papers where most parts of the rope were met in the middle. Then, the participants would have to tighten their ends and balance the block while getting up, also attempting to toss it up lightly. The end result? Everyone did not succeed in doing so. However, the girls managed to share some values as to what they have learned from the activity.

Brace yourselves for the block, girls!

                                                                     Uh-oh...watch out!

At 9:45 am, we had a quick break for nasi lemak and milo.

                                                          Reciting the prayer before meals.


The next ice-breaker is called 'first impression'. Everyone, including the facilitators, were given a piece of paper and they had to attach it to their backs with a tape. The ice-breaker goes like this; The person in charge (PIC) would play a song and everyone has to walk around and dance. When the music stops, one must find the nearest person to her and write one's first impression of that individual. After that, we had a reflection session of the activity. First impressions do not mean everything but they are the beginning of something. If it's negative, it does not validate a person to be excluded. In fact, friends around us should help in improving our character. Not to forget, one must also put in effort to mend one's attitudes towards others. We tried to inculcate the importance of loving and appreciating one another despite the differences because they are living together.

                                         Distributing the papers, tape and marker pens.                      

                             Some of them volunteered to share what their friends have written.

                                               Reflection on the 'first impression' activity.

The programme continued with station games. There were 6 stations: lift a bottle with raffia rope without touching it let alone tying it with the ropes, traditional bowling, blow cups using balloons, playing UNO cards, get through the 'batik' cloth and broken telephone, and each group must go through all of them. They were allowed to choose freely which station to go first as long as it does not overlap with another group and there would always be one vacant station since there were only 5 groups.

Remember girls, no hands. Even when the bottle falls, make it stand again by using the ropes.

You're almost there! Focus!

                                                                    Broken telephone.

                                                               Keep blowing, my friend!

                                                                    Traditional bowling.

                                                                  Playing UNO cards.

Listening attentively on how the 'batik' cloth game works.

After completing the station games, we played charades and had a sharing session. The girls were given the opportunity to inquire on anything e.g the university life, what would their path be like after school etc. So, it was like girls' talk. Later on, we had a break for one hour before proceeding with prayer and lunch.

                                                       Eager to answer during charades.

                                                                      Sharing session.

Let's not forget about the boys! As mentioned above, the boys were assigned at the stables. We were divided into three groups and were tasked differently: lifting concrete slabs, grooming the horses and cleaning the stables. It was a tough job for some of us but it was definitely a new experience.


                                                                 Cleaning its hooves.

                                                                Grooming the horses.

                                                                Cleaning the stables.

                                                              Lifting the concrete slabs.

                                     It might look thin, but it's actually really hot and heavy!

After getting the job done, we played archery until the prayer break.

All of us, including the boys, gathered at the girls' compound for lunch at 2 pm. We enjoyed our lunch together while some of the children graced us with beautiful performances. The closing ceremony started off after everyone has finished their food. The teachers and school authorities were thanked for allowing us to spend time with the children. They were also given a token of appreciation from the Spirit team. To the joyful faces of the children, goody bags were distributed.

                                     The younger girls graced us with beautiful performances.

                                                      A token of appreciation for RALK.

                                                     Thank you for having us, RALK!



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